Officers of the Phillips Brooks House Association for 1921-22 were chosen yesterday at the annual election, in which all members of the University were eligible to vote. The new officers will take office after the annual dinner of the Association in April, except the treasurer, whose duties will not begin until the end of the fiscal year on June 1. The officers chosen yesterday are as follows:
President.--Richard Chute '22 of Boston.
Vice-President. -- Richard Robertson Higgins '22 of Winchester.
Secretary.--Joseph Sill Clark Jr. '23 of Chestnut Hill, Pa.
Treasurer.--Bradley De Lameter Nash '23 of Brookline.
Librarian.--Henry Hazen Reed '23 of New York City.
These officers form the Phillips Brooks House Cabinet, together with the Graduate Secretary, Social Service Secretary, President of the Christian Association, President of the St. Paul's Society, President of the St. Paul's Catholic Club, Chairman of the Social Service Committee, Chairman of the Harvard Mission Committee. Chairman of the Chapel Committee, Secretary of the Graduate Schools Society, Secretary of the Law School Society, Secretary of the Medical School Society, and the Secretary of the Dental School Committee.
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