(The Crimson invites all men in the University to submit signed communications of timely interest. It assumes no responsibility, however, for sentiments expressed under this head and reserves the right to exclude any whose publication would be palpably inappropriate.)
To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
The author of the communication, "The True Scholar", charges the movement on behalf of "recognizing scholarship" with being characterized by the lack of "perfectly clear thinking", and also infers that the recognition of scholarship would not aid in stimulating its pursuit. It seems to me, in spite of this trenchant criticism, very sound reasoning that if scholarship is given the recognition which it justly deserves, equal to that granted to athletics and publications, the more enthusiastic men in college will aspire after it with the same spirit that prompts them to strive for either of the two leading roles of undergraduate life.
Every effort should be made to raise the regard in which the scholar in the college is held. Such a movement would promote the best interests of the college, and would in due time raise the standard of scholarship in the American Universities and more fully justify the prestige of the college graduate. JAVIER E. MOLINA '24.
February 18, 1921.
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