The Freshman baseball season opens this evening when candidates will attend a meeting at 7 o'clock in Standish Hall Common Room, at which Dr. William B. Young '13, who will coach the yearling team a second year, will outline his policy, and Captain R. W. Emmons ocC., of the University nine, will say a few words. Coach Young was regular catcher on University teams when in College, and since then has followed the professional and college game closely. He coached the 1923 team last spring, and although hindered by continual poor weather, took the team through a fairly successful season, winning the final game from the Yale freshmen by the largest score that a Blue freshman nine has ever been defeated by the Crimson.
Start Practice Tomorrow
Practice for Freshman battery candidates will start in the cage tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock, and will continue thereafter on every weekday afternoon until the outdoor season begins. Infield and outfield candidates for both University and Freshman squads will report at the cage Monday.
The 1924 baseball schedule includes fourteen games, of which only four will not be played in Cambridge, those at Groton, with Middlesex at Concord, St. Mark's at Southboro, and with the Princeton freshmen. The season opens with the game against Groton on April 13.
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