

Storm Delays Melting of River Ice But Indoor Practice Continues on Winter Schedule--Class Crews Are Chosen Tentatively

Crew work for the University and Freshmen has been held on regular winter schedule for the past week; and with weather conditions adverse as they have been for the past few days, it seems probable that this winter schedule will have to be continued longer than was at first expected.

Coach Halnes has slightly changed the line-up of his two last crews, sending W. F. Lewis '23, Belden Wigglesworth '23, and B. W. Huiskamp '23 up from Crew E to D and otherwise rearranging the seating of the men in the boats. The two eights now row as follows:

Crew D: Bow, W. F. Lewis '23; 2, Belden Wigglesworth '23; 3, C, C. Cabot '22; 4, B. W. Huiskamp '23; 5, H. H. Jackson '22; 6, C. K. Cummings '23; 7, J. A. Nickerson '22; stroke, Dennet Withington '22.

Crew E: Bow, W. O. Clark '23; 2, E. S. Matthews '23; 3, G. S. Smith '22 4, E. N. Ohi '23; 5, Eliot Perkins '23; 6, R. E. Wheeler '22; 7, L. W. Rathbun '23; stroke, Garrison Norton '23.

Jenney Is Given Rest


The other crews have been kept intact and the University squad still consists of forty-five active oarsmen; of Reginald Jenney '22, last year's stroke, who is being given a rest during the early season work in an endeavor to put him in the best condition for the races of the spring; R. F. Brander '23, an extra man, and the coxswains.

Acting captains have been appointed for seven Freshman eights as follows: Experienced Football Men, Arthur Lambert Hobson Jr., of Haverhill; Inexperienced Football Men I, Charles Joseph Hubbard Jr., of Readville; Inexperienced Football Men II, James Montgomery Newell of Boston; Autumn Crew Men I, Walter Amory of Walpole, N. H.; Autumn Crew Men II, Francis van Wyck Mason of Winnetka, Ill.; Autumn Crew Men III, Newcomb Fuller of Fall River; Autumn Crew Men IV, Thomas Proctor Mandell of Hamilton. In addition to these seven crews, Coach Haines is just forming a Winter Sports Crew, composed of men who have been engaged in sports such as hockey and basketball.

Chose Class Crews

Enough men to form ten complete class crews reported for the first practice Wednesday and have been assigned to various combinations. The first crews for the three classes are rowing as follows:

1921 Crew: Bow, Rodgers Peale; 2, P. C. Cabot; 3, C. F. Allen; 4, F. H. Cummings; 5, William DeFord; 6, D. H. Morris; 7, F. H. Lawson; stroke, H. A. Houghton.

1922 Crew: Bow, Manville Kendrick; 2, R. C. Walcott; 3, J. C. Greene; 4, B. F. Newcomer; 5, Paul Palmer; 6, G. K. Wakefield; 7, D. F. Cameron; stroke, F. S. Whiteside.

1923 Crew: Bow, W. M. Tucker; 2, O. J. Wister; 3, R. Habicht; 4, J. A. Westengard; 5, W. B. Wood; 6, J. W. Wood; 7, John Hodges; stroke, R. H. Thayer.
