

Game Precedes University Game With New Hampshire State

This evening at Hemenway Gymnasium, the Freshman basketball five will meet the Boston Y. M. C. A. quintet at 7.30. This game will precede the regular game between the University and the New Hampshire State.

The Freshmen have been playing their last few games in topnotch form, recovering from their defeat by Andover Academy a few weeks ago, and winning all the games since then by large scores. In the game with Reading High School last Saturday, Isadore Black suffered a severe bruising, and it is possible that he will be unable to be in the line-up for the remainder of the season. His place is ably filled by E. L. Gehrke, however, who just recently joined the yearling squad, and with him in the line-up the team is little weakened if any.

The Y. M. C. A. team is expected to make a good showing as they are the only team with the exception of the Freshmen to defeat the heavy Dean Academy five. The 1924 line-up will be as follows: Gordon, r.f.; Stevens, l.f.; Sipp, c.; Gebrke, r.g.; Rudofsky, l.g.
