In accordance with the sections of the Constitution of the three lower classes providing for the election of class officers in the Freshman year, the Student Council has made the nominations listed below and has appointed Wednesday, March 2, as the date of the election. Additional nominations may be made by petition, each petition to be signed by thirty-five membeers of the Freshman class. Such petitions will be received by the Student Council if handed in at the Crimson Building on or before February 27.
Daniel Stewart Holder of New Orleans, La.; James Jackson Lee of Westwood.
William Edgar Crosby, Jr., of West Newton; Percy Jenkins, of Quincy.
Robert Paul Bullard of Melrose High-lands; Corliss Lamont of Englewood, N. J.; Brooks Potter of Boston.
Student Council Members
Francis Tileston Baldwin of Boston; Lewis Gordon of Gloucester; Henry Adams LaFarge of Mount Carmel, Conn.; John McKinstry Kimball of Portland, Me.
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