
Tiger Faces Blue in Hockey Tomorrow

Yale and Princeton University will meet in hockey at the Boston Arena tomorrow night in what should be one of the closest if not the best played games that Boston will have a chance to see this year. The Yale team was defeated in an extra period by a score of 4 to 2 when the teams last clashed on January 23 at the Philadelphia Ice Palace, but since then the Blue has had more opportunity for practice than has the New Jersey team. Both teams have fallen before the Crimson by the score of 7 to 0, Princeton on January 29 at the Arena, and Yale a week later at the Ice Palace in Philadelphia. The Orange and Black team is practicing at the St. Paul's School today in an endeavor to smooth out the mistakes that have cropped up on account of lack of practice.

The Freshman hockey team went down in defeat before Boston College in the Arena yesterday afternoon by a score of 2-0 in a short practice scrimmage.


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