In a very different guise from his autumnal aspect the Tiger Invades Cambridge tonight, yet rather than invasion it is peaceful penetration. Instead of the warlike garb of the gridiron, he enters the scene in fantastic dress or undress; instead of arraying himself in nose-guard and headgear, he screens his face behind the mask of Thespis; instead of cleated boots, he wears the sock and buskin.
Few of us have been privileged to encounter the Orange and Black in this new venture. Our acquaintance has been chiefly limited to the field of rival sport; it is with all the more interest then, that we await Princeton's debut on the Boston stage. Harvard extends to the visitors this evening, if not the keys of the cellar, its utmost hospitality and welcome; and it is unanimous in wishing the visitors every success in their exertions at Jordan Hall and later at the Union.
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