Spring football practice commenced Wednesday at Yale, when the candidates reported in the Cage. Plans for the spring practice were outlined at a meeting of all football candidates at the "Y" Club at which Captain M. P. Aldrich, Coach Jones and Trainer Mack spoke.
The annual Junior prom at Princeton will be held on Friday evening, March 11. Another dance will also be given on Saturday night. To help in the entertainment of the guests, two athletic events are scheduled, on Friday the Princeton wrestlers meeting Springfield, and the next day a swimming match and water polo game with Yale.
Crew practice at Annapolis started recently, when fifty candidates reported to Coach Richard A. Glendon. This is Glendon's nineteenth consecutive season at the Naval Academy. Candidates for the Plebe crew, who have been working most of the winter under the direction of R. S. Glendon, Coach Glendon's son, are making good progress.
Columbia's combined musical clubs took a short trip to Wilmington, Del., and Washington, D. C., between the Winter and Spring Semesters. The Wilmington concert was given under the auspices of the Delaware Columbia University Alumni Association, and the Washington affair took place jointly with the Musical Clubs of George Washington University.
Starting with Yale at New Haven, on April 16, the Cornell crew will open its schedule which provides for a race every two weeks. On April 30, the Red and Blue University and Freshmen will meet the streng Navy eights at Annapolis.
On May 14, the Childs Cup race between Columbia, Princeton and Pennsylvania will be held on the Harlem Rivet. This will be followed by the American Henley on the Schuylkill, on May 28. The season will close with the Poughkeepsie Regatta, on June 22.
Coach Wright expects to have the crews on the water much earlier this year than last, despite the fact that the new boathouse will not be ready until April 15. The first and second University boats will be on the river by the end of this week, if the weather remains favorable.
Twenty-nine games are included on Dartmouth's baseball schedule for 1921. Nine of these will be played at home. The Junior Prom games coming on May 13 and 14 have been given to Columbia and Penn. The University of Vermont will be the attraction for Commencement, June 20, the final game of the season.
For the first, time in many years the Green baseball team will make an extended Southern trip, playing a series of eight games, starting April 1 with the University of Virginia at Charlottesville and ending with Lafayette at Easton, Pa., April 9. The schedule arranged is not an easy one, and it has Dartmouth slated to meet some of the strongest teams of the middle South in her opening games.
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