
Wendell Portrait In Faculty Room

A portrait of the late Professor Barrett Wendell '77, of the University who died last Tuesday, has been hung in the historic Faculty Room in University Hall along with the portraits of bygone presidents, benefactors, and scholars of the University. The painting, which has been hanging recently in the Harvard Club of Boston, now takes a place in the Faculty Room next to that of William James. On the same wall of the room hang the portraits of James Russell Lowell, former professor of Belles Lettres and former Overseer of the University; Professor Sophocles, the celebrated and eccentric teacher of Greek; William Watson Goodwin, the scholar; Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, the poet, who was for many years a professor at the University; Dean Shaler; Benjamin Pierce, the great mathematician; and others whose memory the University honors.

The portrait is now surrounded with a laurel wreath.
