The time extension for handing in applications for tickets to the Junior Dance closes today, and all men who have not already done so must hand in their applications to G. S. Morse '22, Apthorp House. Tickets will be sent out before the middle of the week.
The competition for the design on the cover of the dance programs will close on Wednesday, February 16, and all designs must be given to R. P. Parker '22, Apthorp House, on or before that date. Very few have been received up to the present, and it is important that all men submit their designs as soon as possible.
Applications for boxes at the dance must be submitted in writing to R. P. Parker '22, Apthorp House, before February 21. Each box will contain from six to twelve couples. In making applications men should form a group and appoint a chairman to make arrangements for their box; the applications must contain the names of the men and their partners.
Announcement of the music and order of dances will be made within a few days.
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