Plans have been completed for a Freshman Interdormitory meet to be held next Tuesday, February 15, starting at 3 o'clock. The chief object of the meet is to give Coach Bingham some idea of the ability of the men, so that he may be able to determine what men are to compete against Worcester Academy on February 19. The other object of the meet is to get as many Freshmen out for track as possible, so that Coach Bingham may get a line on some more material, which is badly needed.
The events in the meet will be the 40-yard dash, 45-yard high hurdles, 300-yard dash, 600-yard run, 1000-yard run, and the one-mile run. There will be a relay race with a four-man team representing each dormitory; each man will run 390 yards. The field events will be the high-jump, the pole-vault, the broad-jump, and the shot-put. Prizes will be awarded to men winning first, second, and third place, and to the members of the winning relay team. This meet will count toward the Interdormitory Athletic Trophy.
Men Can Sign Up in Blue Books
Blue-books are now posted at the three Freshman dormitories and at the Locker Building in which men should sign up, indicating the events they are to run in and the dormitory they are to compete for. Not only does Coach Bingham want men who have been out for track so far this year to run, but he also wants all Freshmen whether they have had any experience or not to come out and run. This meet is therefore open to the whole Freshman class.
The Freshmen will compete as a team in two outside meets this winter. One is the meet with Worcester Academy on February 19. The Freshmen also have a relay team entered in the triangular meet with Dartmouth and Cornell on February 26. There is also a 40-yard dash for the Freshmen in this meet. In addition to these regular meets, individual entries will be made in the American Legion Games at the East Armory on February 22. All the members of the University squad who are not entered in the triangular meet will also run in the Legion games.
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