

It is a well-known fact that if a worm is cut in half the two halves live on, and crawl off through the dust in opposite directions. The intelligence that there is an organization of German propagandists spread throughout the cities of this country for the purpose of furthering good relations between Germans and Irish brings up the question as to whether both halves of the German worm are not crawling towards the United States. The answer to the question becomes apparent when the leader of such an organization attempts, as did von Mach, to use the American Legion as a connecting link between the Teuton and the Sinn Fein. It is obvious that any liaison between Germany and Ireland can have but one purpose: to sever the present friendly relations between Great Britain and the United States. It would be dangerous in the extreme to allow such a plan to materialize. Commander Galbraith, head of the American Legion, in a recent interview with von Mach is reported to have shown that gentleman the door; were the American people to assume this same attitude, the danger of "hyphenism," and its results would be greatly lessened.

Since the revolution and the establishment of a new government in Germany, the old ideas of autocracy, of "Deufachland uber Alles," have supposedly been stamped out. But it will take more than a revolution, more than a new government, to abolish the results of thirty years of German propaganda in Germany; it will take a new generation, educated to standards different from those taught in the schools under the old regime. The proposal of von Mach to involve the American Legion in the tangle of a German-Irish alliance, proves that the old ideas of German imperialism have not died out entirely, and that German propaganda cannot be reckoned with lightly. "We have scotchd the snake;" but so long as we are indifferent to her still persisting life, we remain "in danger of her former tooth."
