The reorganization of the track coaching staff is an indication that the various steps taken during the past year have not been successful in restoring track to the position it once held in the University. The disorganized coaching system, and the small number of men with track experience who come to Harvard seem to be the chief causes for the recent unsatisfactory records. The centralization of the conduct of the sport in the hands of Bill Bingham will settle the first difficulty. But the need for experienced Freshmen will remain as long as the principal schools on which Harvard relies for its athletic squads, continue to send their best track men further south than Cambridge.
Fortunately a good track team does not depend on previous experience. The essential quality of a track athlete is not natural ability, but practice, persistence, and "sand". A Harvard track captain demonstrated this over ten years ago, when, after the Doctor had forbidden his running the hurdles, he learned to put the shot in the spring of his Junior year, and, by practicing all summer and fall, was able to win first place in the next Intercollegiate Meet. Of course not everyone can win the Intercollegiates in this way, even with infinite determination; but the story is a good example of how many of the best track athletes are developed.
With the present dearth of good material, it is unlikely that Harvard will be able to win the intercollegiates for a long time; but a larger squad, and a greater showing of perseverance and determination, should, under the guidance of Coach Bingham, develop into a first rate team.
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