

1920-21 Edition Will Include Data on Endowment Fund Drive

Data showing the contributions and percentage subscriptions of all classes, including undergraduates, to the University Endowment Fund will be a feature of the 1920-1921 Register, to be published shortly after the mid-year period. Unavoidable difficulties of printing have delayed the date of publication from January 1 until the middle of February. The contents will be somewhat similar to that of last year's Register, including the list of undergraduates according to home towns and also according to dormitories; a resume of the activities of athletic teams during the past year, and a directory of the registered undergraduate clubs and Alumni associations.

The Register will be on sale in limited numbers at several of the bookstores around Harvard square and at the Cooperative Store, but the management urges members of the University to subscribe, since the number of books printed will be determined largely by the number of subscriptions. For members of the University the price will be $2.60 and for outsiders $3.00 a volume.
