
French Teams at Penn Games

A relay team chosen from French universities will take part in the University of Pennsylvania relay carnival, which will be held in Philadelphia April 29 and 30. The relay management has received definite word that such a team will come over early in April in order to compete. This is the first time, it was said, in the history of athletics, that such an organization has taken part in competition in this country.

The one-mile race is the one the Frenchmen will probably enter. According to Andree, formerly a high jumper, but now one of the fastest quarter-millers in France, the team will probably consist of Delvart, Ferry, Mercevy and himself the same combination that finished third in last year's championship Olympic race.

More than 60 American colleges have already accepted invitations to compete, including the University, Yale, Princeton, Cornell, Dartmouth and Wisconsin.
