

Readers of this conservative sheet were doubtless surprised to be confronted this morning with a regular sensational news-story. These little irregularities are always a temptation for the would-be humorist, and the editors were tempted to use a red-ink screamer headline, with three-column photographs of the culprits. But the present case in by no means a matter for jest. The backwash of a world-wide crime wave has reached our peaceful community, and the list of victims is growing daily. Reports of petty and larger thefts come in steadily; swindling is not uncommon; suspicious characters are frequently seen about the dormitories.

Unless the Westmorley melodrama is to be allowed a second performance, greater precautions must be taken on all sides. In large dormitories, it is impossible to keep close watch of al who enter; undesirables are bound to get in; and when they find doors alluringly open and valuables spread temptingly within easy reach, it is not surprising that they make the best of their opportunities. The spirit of hospitality that leaves doors invitingly open is admirable; but when the tenant is not in, it is wasted welcome. The turning of a key is not a difficult task, the carrying of the key is not a heavy burden either for memory or for pocket. Much difficulty can be avoided if students will follow the simple precept of locking doors and ground floor windows when they go out. Furthermore all suspicious individuals should be reported at once; and if any losses are discovered, no delay should be made in notifying police head quarters. Only by cooperation of all can the evil be eliminated.
