

The last business competition open to Sophomores will start tonight with a meeting in the Business Office of the Crimson at 7 o'clock. The competition, which will last about 12 weeks, will not require any work during the Christmas Recess and only occasional work during the midyear examination period.

At the meeting tonight the Business Manager and his Assistants will explain to the candidates the requirements for work during the competition, which is meant to serve two purposes. In the first place candidates are expected to secure advertisements for the Crimson and to become acquainted with the main advertisers of Boston, New York, and the vicinity. Secondly it is planned that the competition shall serve as an introduction to the system of business administration and finance used by the Crimson.

Although the number and amount of advertisements a candidate has to his credit is of great importance in considering his election to the paper, it is not generally as vital as success in the other division; the candidate who shows the best possibilities for business efficiency and initiative will be successful.

Men elected are eligible to the positions of Assistant Business Manger in their. Junior and Business Manager in their Senior year.
