

Demonstration Game Staged in Hemenway by University Teams Witnessed by Many Coaches and Officials--Kelly and Towers Interpret Rules

Yesterday evening at the Hemenway Gymnasium over 250 coaches, both professional and collegiate players, and officials from all over New England were present to see the demonstration basketball game put on by Coach Wachter in conjunction with the Official Rules Committee to demonstrate the new 1921-1922 rules and to point out the approved interpretation of the many disputed points that are coming up constantly in the game.

Mr. D. J. Kelly, Assistant Director of Physical Education in the University, called on to the floor for the contest two teams picked from the University first squad. From time to time as the game proceeded he pointed out the fouls which were committed and explained whether they were personal or technical. Between the halves, a general discussion was held; questions asked by the audience being answered by Mr. Oswold Towers, the official interpreter of the basketball rules committee.

Following the game Coach Wachter and Mr. Kelly demonstrated the changes in the rules which have been made this year, while Mr. Towers again answered questions.

Practice for the University squad yesterday afternoon consisted of three long practice scrimmages during the course of which nearly every man on the squad had a chance to play. No definite line-up was attempted because of the fact that several first string men were reserved for the evening's workout and were not sent in during the afternoon.
