

Forty Members of Faculty Join with Students in Birthday Greetings

Approximately six hundred Harvard men and about forty members of the faculty have joined in signing a birthday letter to ex-President Wilson. The plan was initiated and arrangements undertaken by the Woodrow Wilson Club of the University. Blue books containing the letter, with space for signatures, were posted this week in over thirty conspicuous places including dormitories, class rooms, and the buildings of the various Graduate Schools.

The pages containing the signatures are to be bound together and, with the message, will reach Mr. Wilson on the morning of his birthday, December 28.

The text of the letter follows:

Woodrow Wilson,

Washington, D. C.


We, the undersigned officers and students of Harvard University, warmly greet you on the occasion of your coming birthday. Gratefully recalling your services to America and to the world, we hope that in each succeeding year you will see the principles of international cooperation for which you stood grow to an ever-increasing influence over men and nations.
