The University of California football team will be unable to come to Cambridge next fall, according to a telegram received late yesterday afternoon by Major F. W. Moore '93. As yet the H. A. A. has made no announcement concerning a possible contest to take the place of the proposed game.
The telegram received yesterday is as follows:
Major Fred W. Moore:
California greatly appreciated Harvard's invitation. After careful consideration we feel that, due to the length of time the players will be away from their studies, it would imperil their scholastic standing to take the trip. The trip comes at the time of examinations; also the team is obliged to make two long journeys on the coast next year to Seattle and Los Angeles. Sincere regrets, with many thanks and best wishes. (Signed) R. W. Cortelyou. Assistant Graduate Manager.
On December 13 Major Nichols wired Mr. L. A. Nichols, Graduate Manager of the University of California, asking consideration by the coast authorities of a game with the University to be played in the Stadium on October 28. Twenty-four hours later the H. A. A. received a message stating California's willingness to accept, provided a return game were guaranteed to be played at Berkeley in 1923. In reply to this proposal Major Moore again telegraphed last Wednesday, asking for a game without consideration of a return contest on the Pacific Coast. The final reply which had been expected for several days came late yesterday afternoon.
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