

On a field azure, two hands orange and the hours ten to one! What is the answer to the conundrum recently set forth by white trousered painters under the eaves of Massachusetts Hall? We have stood across the street during the last two weeks in open mouthed astonishment at the power of the artist's brush. First came the shock of realizing that between the two little attic windows of Massachusetts there was a large billboard-like space. A few days later the face of a clock in gold began to appear. Yet a few days, and the whole business was submerged under a flood of bright blue paint; and now we see two clock hands and the numerals ten to one in orange. What goes on?

A frantic news candidate recently asked permission to "get a story about the clock." With great difficulty he was restrained by a sagacious managing editor who felt that the general public should be allowed to indulge its imagination to the fullest possible extent without the hindrance of prosaic truth. Many have suggested that the loyal Painters' Union intended to pay a two handed compliment-to Yale by showing the very faint traces of Orange emerging from the Blue; to Harvard by an unmistakable registering of the score of November nineteenth. Unfortunately, the painters in their zeal have grossly misrepresented the Eli score; two precious points are missing-the numbers run only from ten to one.

A much more probable solution, however, is that the Astronomical Department has decided to restore the old sun dial. Unfortunately, the untutored workmen placed the noon mark some hundred odd degrees out of position, and the Department has generously given the artists a vacation until the sun shall have caught up with the dial. In the meantime the answer to the question, what goes on, remains as it has been for the last two weeks: nothing.
