The election of the remaining Senior officers and committees will be held today. The polls will be open from 9 o'clock in the morning to 7 o'clock at night in the rear vestibule of Sever Hall.
Owing to an irregularity which was discovered yesterday in the petition, the Nominating Committee has decided that George Van Sicken Smith of Richmond Hill, Long Island, N. Y. is a candidate for Class Secretary and not for the Class Committee.
To be eligible to vote at this election men must have entered or be receiving a degree with the class of 1922. A list of eligible voters has been posted at Phillips Brooks House, Sever Hall, Memorial Hall, the Union, and at the Crimson Building.
The following Junior poll-watches have been appointed to watch the polls in Sever Hall.
9-10.-P. B. Ferguson, Donald Maxwell.
10-11.-Morris Duane, E. D. Hamilton.
11-12.-H. H. Fuller, C. L. Short.
12-1.-G. H. Browne, E. S. Young.
1-2.-C. B. Newhall, E. O. Pride.
2-3.-B. S. Cogan, J. B. Paine Jr.
3-4.-J. H. Dempsey, E. S. Matthews.
4-5.-E. G. Lund, Garrison Norton.
5-6.-H. F. C. Hanson, B. K. Little.
6-7.-J. E. Eaton, A. K. Train.
It is of the utmost importance that these men should appear promptly at the designated times or should procure a substitute as they alone are responsible for watching the polls at the times appointed.
The following men have been appointed members of the Junior Counting Committee. They should report at the Union this evening at 7 o'clock and if unable to be present personally must send a substitute: Sheridan Logan, chairman; F. B. Allen, C. V. Chandler, R. A. Cushman, P. W. Butman, Solace Mitobell, H. C. Stetson, W. M. Tucker, and P. E. Wilson.
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