

Frist Performance to be for Graduate Members of Pi Eta Society This Evening at Pi Eta Theatre-First Public Production on New Year's Eve

"Don't Mind If I Do", the 1922 Pi Eta Show, will open its season tonight at the Society's theatre, when the annual Grads' Night performance will be given, for graduate members of the society only. The first public performance will be in Jordan Hall, Boston, on New Year's Eve, and the performances in Cambridge will be on January 6 and 7.

The book of "Don't Mind if I Do" was written by H. K. Behn Jr. "22 and G. G. Benedict '23, the music by L. A. Harlow '23, M. H. Dill 2S. L. A., and A. A. Fisk Jr. "22; and the lyrics by H. K. Behn Jr. '22, G. G. Benedict '23, C. A. Gage '22, and R. D. '24. A new departure with this year's show is the use of scenery designed solely for this production. The first scene is the lobby of Hotel Puree Tourine, in Chamonix, Switzerland, and the second is an exterior, with the Alps as a background.

Tickets for all performances of the show, are now on sale. Those for the Cambridge and Boston performance may be obtained at the Cooperative, Leavitt and Peirce's Herrick's, and Jordan Hall. Tickets for the performances at Player's Hall, West Newton, on January 2, and at infantry Hall, Providence, on January 4, are on sale at various places in those cities.
