

Dance Committee Will be Appointed After Christmas Recess--Smoker to be Held February 16 in the Living Room of Union--Smoker Committee Chosen

Friday, March 3, has been selected as the date of the annual Junior Dance for the class of 1923. Members of the dance committee will be chosen shortly after the Christmas recess and will be announced then with complete details concerning applications for tickets and other particulars. The committee will probably start work on the arrangements towards the end of January. The dance will be run on the same plan as in former years, being held in the Union and having two orchestras to supply the music.

A detailed outline of the plans will be announced by the chairman of the dance committee at the Junior class smoker, the date of which has been set for Thursday, February 16. The smoker will be held in the Living Room of the Union and will include moving pictures, music by Bert Lowe's orchestra, refreshments, and cigars and cigarettes. In addition, a well known entertainer may be procured.

The smoker committee has been appointed and is as follows: William Claypool Bennett of Somerville, chairman, Justin Hanley Dempsey of Boston, Garrison Norton of New York City, and Phillips Elder Wilson of East Gloucester.
