

Men Chosen for Six Departments as Result of Fall Competition

As the result of its fall competitions, the Dramatic Club has elected 14 new members. Their names and the departments to which they belong are as follows: acting, Charles Alfred Fritz 1G. of Westville, Ohio; Kenneth Ormsby Mott-Smith '22 of Schenectady, N. Y., and Conrad Salinger '23 of Brookline; prompting, William Frederick Woodfield '23 of Morristown, N. J.; properties, John Jerome Drew '23 of New York, N. Y., and Marcial Primitivo Lichauco '23 of Manila, P. I.; stage, Edward Warner Baldwin '23 of Hempstead, L. L., N. Y., and Dudley Winthrop Hallett '24 of Dorchester; business and publicity, Richard Stoddard Aldrich '25 of Brookline, Ralph de Someri Childs '24 of Kansas City, Mo., Roswell Herring Chrisman '23 of Albuquerque, New Mexico, and William Heston McPherson '23 of Columbus, Ohio; lighting, Donald Stralem '24 of New York, N. Y.; orchestra, Rodney Winfred Long '23 of Cambridge.
