

Football Date With Western Team May Depend on Guarantee of Return Contest-Athletic Association Considering Date With Pittsburgh

California may be unable to play the University in football next fall without the assurance of a return game, according to a telegram from the University of California received yesterday afternoon at the H. A. A. In case the University can make no satisfactory arrangement with the Pacific coast team, it will probably ask for a date with Pittsburgh.

The telegram received yesterday is as follows;

Mr. Fred W. Moore, Graduate Treasurer, Harvard Athletic Association.

President Barrows and Coach Smith are now in the East and will return Saturday. Will wire decision after conference with them. Will it be possible for you to exchange games with us, Harvard playing at Berkeley,. October 21 or 28. 1922, and California at Cambridge in 1923, the date to be arranged later? (Signed) L. A. Nichols.

In reply, Major Moore asked again for a game without consideration of a return contest at the Pacific coast. Major Moore thinks that it is altogether unlikely that the University football team will be able to take another trip to the western coast for some years to come, and if California insists upon making the arrangements on the basis of a return date, it will be impossible to schedule the game.
