The first University squash team will play St. Paul's School this afternoon at Concord, N. H. Last week the school team demonstrated its worth by taking five matches out of eight from the Union Boat Club of Boston. Although the latter was not represented by all of its first string men, the defeat showed that this year St. Paul's has a very capable team. The first three men, F. F. Symington, A. W. Stewart, and H. N. Rawlins are particularly strong players, very nearly equal in ability.
Visiting teams at Concord have difficulty in getting accustomed to the courts, for they have concrete side walls and are nearly four feet wider than the courts in Boston. The line-up of the University team will be: Malcolm Bradlee '22, D. McK. Key '22, M. P. Baker '22, R. E. Smith '22 and E. M. Hinkle '23.
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