

"The Violins of Cremona" and "The Witches' Mountain" to be Given at Ye Wilbur Theatre--A Few Tickets Still on Sale

This afternoon at 2.15 o'clock the second performance of the Dramatic Club's two plays, "The Witches' Mountain" and "The Violins of Cremona" will be given at Ye Wilbur Theatre. A very few tickets may still be purchased for the performance at the box office of the theatre. The prices of tickets are $2.20 and $1.65.

At Brattle Hall tomorrow evening, the club will give its second and last Cambridge performance. The regular price of tickets for this performance is $2.20, but undergraduates of the University and of Radcliffe College can procure two tickets apiece at a special undergraduate price of $1.65. Tickets for the Brattle Hall performance may be purchased at the Cooperative, Leavitt and Peirce's, Herrick's, and the Little Building, but the special price is obtainable only at the Cooperative.

The two plays which the club is presenting are different from the average plays produced on the American stage. As is the custom with all Dramatic Club productions, both plays are being produced for the first time in this country, and "The Witches' Mountain" is the first Argentine play to find its way to the American stage. The curtain-raiser, "The Violins of Cremona" is a costume comedy of the eighteenth century, the scene of which is laid in an Italian violin maker's shop, while the Argentine play is highly dramatic, taking place in a wild and mountainous region in the Andes.
