The report comes from the library that the book thieves are still plying their trade. They have in no way been discouraged by the exhortations to mend their ways which have been directed at them. It is not surprising that they have not; a man who will forge a desk slip or practice any other of the deceptions resorted to is not likely to be much impressed by any appeal to his sense of duty.
If the book stealing (and this includes all the other violations of library rules) is to be stopped there is just one way in which it can be done; that is to make it sufficiently unpleasant for the "vandals of the stacks". It is a waste of time to attempt the reform of the morally diseased.
Stealing books from the library can be made unprofitable simply by the use of publicity. If the names of a few apprehended offenders are given out by the library for publication we will have no more trouble with our local criminal class.
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