


Coach Fisher gave his entire Crimson squad a complete rest yesterday and will hold the week's first work-out this afternoon in the Stadium. The 19 men who took part in the Princeton contest emerged from the struggle more worn out and tired than after any game this year. The reason for this was certainly not bad physical condition, but rather the fact that the players gave every ounce of strength they possessed and until the closing minutes of the fracas, outplayed a team superior in both weight and experience. It is expected that yesterday's rest will do much towards bringing back the squad to a fit condition.

For the next two weeks "Beat Yale" will be the slogan, the one and only password at Soldiers Field. Coach Fisher and his staff believe firmly that they have on hand the material and the spirit to overcome the Elis. Captain Kane and his men think the same. If the Centre College win put the Crimson players into the fighting mood that it did, the Tiger victory has brought that cool but enraged state of mind which brooks no defeat and which is usually determined enough to accomplish its purpose.

What Coach Fisher must do in order to produce between now and November 19 and eleven which will prove superior to the Blue is threefold. In the first place he must strengthen the right side

of the line through which a major portion of the Princeton gains went Saturday. Secondly he must bring more smoothness and coordination into the backfield. There is plenty of power there, but twice in the Tiger battle a mix-up in the signals proved very costly to the Crimson. In the third place the University men must be in first-class physical condition for the Yale contest.

This last consideration is the most important of all. Coach Fisher cannot afford to take chances with his men either in practice scrimmages or in the approaching Brown contest. The University's "no defeat" record has been smashed completely. Hence there will be no sentimental reasons for defeating the Bear "at any cost". However, the Crimson second-string men should be able to cope with Brown fairly easily and there will probably be no need for the regulars.


Aside from the general battering and mauling which the Crimson men received in the Tiger game only two serious injuries resulted from the struggle. Tierney and Crocker, the men in question, are both out with leg injuries, but will be ready to play in the Yale game. Other Crimson players who were not in tip-top condition Saturday are Chapin and Pfaffman. Both of these will be all right this week
