

Required Fee of Twenty-Five Cents Must Accompany Entry

Entries for the fall squash racquets tournament, which may be handed in at the office in Randolph Gymnasium, are due today before 6 o'clock. They must be written on slips of paper provided on Mr. McNaughton's desk after 1.30, and must be placed inside the envelopes accompanied by the required entrance fee of twenty-five cents. The money will provide for medals and cups to be awarded in this tournament and in the College and University championships to follow later.

The competition for second assistant managership will start next Monday at 7 o'clock with a meeting in Holworthy 10. The competition will last six weeks and will require but a small amount of time.

Trial matches are now being played off to determine the squad, which will be picked from the fifteen best men on Monday. Additional candidates may, by leaving their names with G. L. Paine Jr. '22 at Holworthy 10, be assigned to special trial matches.
