

The Phi Beta Kappas, according to a communication to a New York paper, have a new worry. A member of this well known organization, while driving in New York City with his brother, an Elk, was hauled up short for speeding. The policeman, spotting with satisfaction at present Key, launched himself upon a situperous lecture concerning college "Smart Alecs" who cared for no one's life but their own, and was on the point of handing out a summons when the Elk button on the second chap caught his eye. To the joy and amazement, of the motorists the atmosphere changed at once and the summons was withdrawn with a smile; the guardian of the law was himself an Elk.

Such unwarranted favoritism must impress those Phi Beta Kappa men to whom the principle of equal opportunity appeals with the feeling that disparity of this kind is both gross and unfair. Surely, they say, an intellectual society ought not to be subjugated to such humiliation nor be so undervalued. Fortunately, as the hero of this incident points out, for every problem there is a solution. In order that Phi Beta Kappa may enjoy equally with other organizations the respect of the law, let the first forty policemen of every city be elected to membership. Immediately a brotherly affection will spring up between the police and the students. The old feeling of mutual distrust will vanish and hitherto embarrassing situations will become matters between friends.

Opportunity has knocked at the door; here is the chance for Phi Beta Kappa to render not only itself but the college what might well be hailed as an unselfish, lasting service.
