

Task of Coaches Is to Adapt Winsor System to Six-Man Style of Play--St. Paul's School on Schedule

Hockey at Cambridge received an enthusiastic start last night when 127 candidates for the University and freshman sextets gathered at the Union to hear Captain George Owen Jr. '23 and Coach William H. Claflin '15 speak. After a brief talk by Captain Owen outlining the work of the season, Coach Claflin gave a blackboard discussion of the six-man game in contrast to the former seven-man style of play. The success of the University hockey teams in the past, according to Coach Claflin, has been that through the Winsor system the teams have been perfected in the strategy of seven-man hockey. The task for the coming winter will be to readjust the Winsor system to the six-man style of play and to find out the best possible strategy that a team of six players can use.

It was announced at the meeting that arrangements have been made with the management of the Arena so that the rink will be at the disposal of the University squad all tomorrow afternoon. Hence, the first practice will be held then instead of on Thursday, as was previously announced. Active practice for the 1925 squad will be held on the Charlesbank Rinks as soon as natural ice is available.

After a few days of practice, Coach Claflin will cut the squad to a size that will be convenient to work with. The squad will hold practice games with. The squad will hold practice games with teams from the Freshman squad later in the month after the Freshmen have become well organized.

No Intensive Training at First

While no intensive training will be required of the men for the first two or three weeks, strict training will be expected to start after Christmas. Dr. D. C. Parmenter '13 will have charge of the training this year. The University players will be recalled to Cambridge probably on December 29 to start intensive practice in scrimmage drilling.


As far as the schedule goes, a real innovation will be found in the game with St. Paul's. While Yale and Princeton have played St. Paul's School in past years, the University has never sent a hockey team against them. It is expected that the St. Paul's game will become more or less of an annual institution.

The Yale series this year will in all probability be the stiffest contests that the University will have had in many years against the Blue team. For the first time in five or six years the Elis will have the regular use of an arena for practice. In addition they will have for the first time a professional coach, for Coach Wanamaker is now taking charge of the Yale sextet. The University and Freshman squads, numbering 80 men, are now working out daily at the New Haven Arena.

The Princeton games will also be hard-fought this year. Although the Orange and Black will be handicapped very greatly by having to go to Philadelphia to practice, star material from last year's Freshman team will help turn out a sextet which should do some brilliant performing
