

Candidates for Team to Attend Meeting in Hemenway at 4.30--More Men for '24 Managership Competition Needed

The University gym team will start work this afternoon at 4.30 o'clock when a meeting will be held in Hemenway Gymnasium, to which all candidates for the team and all Freshmen interested in gym work will report. Coach Newdorf and Captain M. H. Bailey Jr. '23 will be present and will outline the work for the season.

This season the squad will meet Tuesdays and Thursdays between the hours of 7 and 9 o'clock in the evening and on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 4.30 to 6.30.

A fuller schedule than was arranged last year is being planned and will include meets with Yale, Princeton, Dartmouth, M. I. T., Navy, and possibly with Haverford. Besides these there will be exhibitions at Y. M. C. A.'s in Boston, Cambridge, and Waltham, and, together with the M. I. T. team, at Exeter and Andover.

Prospects for a successful season are promising. Of last year's regulars, the men back are Captain Bailey, flying rings and horizontal bar; J. K. Braggers '22, flying rings and Indian clubs; L. H. Nichols '22, side horse and flying rings; F. K. Safford '23, horizontal bar and tumbling; and F. J. Wells '23, Indian Clubs. Of the 1924 men who will furnish possible material, Dallas Blair-Smith, parallel bars; A. W. Dole, flying rings and tumbling: Norris Tuttle, horizontal bar; and H. A. Wood Jr., parallel bars, will be members of this year's squad.

More candidates are needed to compete for the assistant managership of the team. All those who wish to try out for the position should report with the team candidates at Hemenway Gymnasium. The four weeks competition, open only to Sophomores, will require office work and duties connected with the practicing of the team. The successful candidate will become manager of the team in his Junior year.
