This afternoon at 5 o'clock in the Freshman Athletic Building, the 1925 basketball season will get underway with a meeting at which all candidates for the team are to report. Coaches Wachter and Tolbert will speak. Immediately after the meeting, the first practice will be held.
All candidates for the 1925 manager competition are to report at Randolph 41 tonight at 7.15. The competition will last until February 22, but will be considerably shortened by the fact that no work will be required during the Christmas vacation, and in the mid year period only such work will be done as is absolutely essential to the managing of the team. As a result of the competition, the positions of 1925 basketball manager and assistant manager will be awarded, the manager receiving his numerals.
Practice for the yearling squad will be held daily in the Freshman Athletic Building from 5 to 6 o'clock and will be under the direction of Coach Tolbert. Last winter Coach Wachter was obliged to direct both the University and first year men and hence could not give to either squad the amount of attention he wished to. With the present arrangement Coach Wachter can give his entire time to the work at Hemenway while the Freshmen will also be able to secure more coaching.
Men who wish to play basketball merely to satisfy their physical training requirements are reporting at the Freshman Athletic Building Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 4 to 5 o'clock. At present they are practising as one large squad but soon they will be organized in dormitory teams and a series of contests played, the results of which will count in the award of the winter interdormitory championship.
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