

In accord with the policy of holding such functions as the University teas in places where undergraduate life tends to center, they will be given in the Union every week throughout the winter. The first of these teas is scheduled for this afternoon, to which all members of the University are invited and all equally welcome.

This is another indication that means for becoming acquainted with the faculty are carefully provided at Harvard. The statements so often repeated by the small college enthusiast to the effect that in large institutions the student does not come into close contact with those who are charged with educating him may be true as far as the larger courses are concerned, but little further. If a student does not meet his professor in a non-academic way, it is his own fault. Faculty members set aside particular times to see men, in addition stating that they are always glad to receive anyone at any time when it is possible to arrange it. While there are some who avail themselves of this opportunity, the majority hesitate to cross the threshold of a professor's sanctuary; for these the informal teas present the most acceptable opportunity to meet members of the faculty.
