In contrast to the All-Star bill of last week, a monotonous program was offered at the Shubert-Majestic Theatre yesterday evening. The all too numerous acrobatic and animal acts were not broken up enough and, as a result, the show dragged considerably.
The headliners, Hal Forde, the star of "Honeydew", and Lientenant Gitz Rice, composer of popular music, ren- dered several old and new songs. Billy McDermott, "a survivor of Coxey's Army", was a close competitor in popularity.' His original lines and songs were amusing and skillfully executed.
La Belge Duo, a classical athletic novelty; Griff, "the Bubble King"; the Gandsmiths. "Two Clowns and two dogs", and Robinson's Military Elephants made up the acrobatic and animal acts, while Lucille Chalfant, America's Colaratura Soprano in an impression of Jenny Lind; a repertoire by Anna Codee; and Lee White with Clay Smith in poorly selected songs made up the rest of the evening's entertainment.
A new stadium seating 65,000 people has been dedicated at Leland Stanford University. The bowl is so constructed that it can be increased in size as desired. It is from the designs of Professor C. B. Wing, a Stanford engineer, and was built in four months at a cost of $210,000
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