The hockey season will start for both the University and Freshman teams on Monday at 7.30 o'clock with a meeting in the Union, at which Coach William H. Claflin '15 and Captain George Owen Jr. '23 will outline plans for the coming year. Practice for the University squad will start on Thursday at the Boston Arena. For the Freshmen, no practice will be held until outdoor ice is available. On Sunday the floor of the Arena will be taken up in preparation for its formal opening which will take place on Saturday, December 3.
Candidates for the second assistant managership of the University team will be called out Monday afternoon at 1.15 o'clock at a meeting in Claverly 48.
The season will start with a noticeable lack of veteran material, for only four letter men are back this year: Captain Owen, C. W. Baker '22, Donald Angier '22, and J. M. Martin '22. Of these, Captain Owen played coverpoint, Baker played right wing, while Angier and Martin were substitute forwards. Besides these four, W. J. Banes '22, W. D. Burden '22, H. F. Colt '22, J. H. Dempsey '23, J. G. Flint '23, Mitchell Gratwick '22, R. R. Higgins '22, Joseph Larocque Jr. '23, and R. E. Smith '22 have had experience on the squad and will furnish material for the sextet. From last year's Freshman team, Nelson Cabot, Captain W. E. Cros by Jr., Harrison Gardner, Corliss Lamont, J. J. Lee, T. F. Sherman, and G. G. Walker are numeral men who will strengthen the Crimson team materially.
Last year's season was a vindication of the Harvard system. Out of ten games played, the University won eight, and lost to only one team, St. Patrick's. The total score of the Crimson for the year was 56 points, while its opponents only scored eight. This year the University has decided to change its policy and adopt six-man hockey as its style of play, but the new ruling will not affect the Winsor system that has been the keynote of the hockey team's success.
Although the schedule for this season has not been entirely completed, it will contain the usual series of two out of three games with Yale and Princeton, a game with Dartmouth, and a game with St. Paul's School.
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