

Sale Will Be for Benefit of Radcliffe Endowment Fund--Interesting Autographed Books to Be Offered and Portraits Will Be Displayed

Starting next Monday, November 28, and continuing for three days, the Radcliffe College Endowment Fund will establish a book mart, to be held at its Copley Square Headquarters at 603 Boylston street. The sale has been made possible by generous contributions from members of the University faculty.

Many Radcliffe authors will have a place on the mart, including Miss Beulah Maric Dix, Miss Josephine Preston Peabody, Miss Mabel W. Daniels, Miss Sarah Wambaugh, Mrs. Richard C. Cabot, Miss Helen Leah Reed, Miss Elsie Singmaster, Miss Katharine Fullerton Gerould, Miss Olive Tilford Dargan, Miss Inez Haynes Irwin, and Miss Rebecca Hooper Eastman. In addition works contributed by Professor George P. Baker '87, Professor William E. Hocking '01, Professor Thomas Nixon Carver, Professor Charles H. Grandgent '83, Professor F. W. Tussig '79, and many others will be on sale. Professor Bliss Perry's new "Life of Major Higginson" with an interesting autograph, and autographs of Lord Bryce, Ex-Premier Viviani, Miss Julia Marlowe, and Miss Helen Keller will also be offered for sale at the book mart on the Signed Book table, of which Mrs. Frederick Orin Bartlett is to be in charge. Besides these special volumes, a number of this season's books, whether of Radcliffe origin of not, will be on sale.

A loan collection of portraits, mostly framed photographs of famous professors of the University, who formerly taught either at Radcliffe or at the old "annex", will be displayed over the fireplace in the Radcliffe shop. In the collection will be found pictures of the notable characters of the old Philosophy Department, William James, Josish Royce, Professor George Herbert Palmer, George Santayana, the two great classicists, Greenough and Goodwin, as well as the late Professor Barrette Wendell. Besides these, a portrait of President Emeritus Eliot, who has helped Radcliffe greatly, is included in the collection.
