With six more men in uniform yesterday, the University basketball squad, now numbering forty-eight candidates, went through its second day of practice under the direction of Coach Watcher and Assistant Coach Tolbert. It is expected that the total will be well above the fifty mark next week when football men report of work on the court.
Practice yesterday consisted mainly in drill in the fundamentals of the game and conditioning work. The Crimson coaches are stressing particularly the ability to pass accuately, for it is upon this phase of the game, the coaches believe, that a team's speed and scoring power depend. As in the opening practice, the players were divided into two squads, Coach Wachter taking the experienced material while Assistant Coach Tolbert worked with the new candidates. No scrimmages will be held until next week, at least, and then the teams selected will be merely temporary.
Yearlings Start Work Monday
The Freshman season will get underway next Monday when candidates report at the Freshman Athletic Building at 5 o'clock. It has been decided to let Coach Tolbert take charge of the yearlings this winter and to let Coach Wachter put his whole time on the University five.
On Monday the Managership competition for the 1925 team will also start. Although it is planned to end the competition on February 22, the actual length of the contest is short, since absolutely no work will be required during the Christmas vacation, and in the mid-year period very little will be done. As a result of the competition a Freshman manager and an assistant manager will be appointed, the former being awarded his numerals.
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