

Finishes With Total of 195 Points in Race Over Van Cortlandt Park Course--Cornell Wins for Ninth Time with Low Record of 18 Points

The University, with a total of 195 points, took eighth place in the thirteenth annual intercollegiate cross-country run on the new Van Cortlandt Park course, in New York City yesterday afternoon. Cornell, placing six men out of the first ten to cross the tape, won the harrier classic, for the ninth time, registering a low record of 18 points, while her nearest competitor, Princeton, ran up a score of 87. Syracuse was third with 108, while Yale was fourth in the team standing, with 111 points against her. R. E. Brown of Cornell won individual honors finishing in 32 minutes, 20 1-2 seconds.

The Freshman race, also run in Van Gortlandt Park, but over a three-mile course, resulted in a victory for the Yale Freshmen, who scored 77 points, with the University of Pennsylvania 1925 runners second, Syracuse, third, and Cornell and Dartmouth tied for fourth honors. McLane of Penn was the first yearling to cross the line, his time being 16 minutes, 2 8-5 seconds.
