To enable those who are motoring to the game to get there with a minimum of confusion and delay the CRIMSON is printing in this issue a detailed explanation of the best automobile route to Princeton. The publication of this data, although intended primarily as a time-saver, is not to be taken as an excuse for attempting a new speed record from Cambridge to Princeton. Because a man is fully acquainted with the roads he is to follow, he is not justified in assuming that he has cut about six hours off his traveling time. Last week four students were killed in a mad rush to witness the Chicago-Princeton game,--a tragedy that recalls the fatal accident to some Harvard men en route to New Haven last year. In a humanitarian desire to reduce the number of foolhardy automobilists without having recourse to the undertaker, the CRIMSON wishes to supplement the publication of the route with the suggestion that no one should attempt to motor to Princeton who cannot start by Friday afternoon. The place for excess enthusiasm is in the Palmer Stadium, not on the Boston Post Road.
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