We nominate for honorary leter-men Messrs. Brown and Benet, "line men". (We admit that it is somewhat questionable whether they should be given "B's", "H's", or "Y's". But, of course no one would make the mistake of giving Mr. Benet an "H" which considerably simplifies the problem.
If there be those who are distinctly "fed up" with "Main Street" and the like, they will appreciate the article in the current "Bookman" in which Archibald Marshall disposes briefly but effectively of the relentless realists.
One of the foremost naturalists of the English-speaking world, Mr. Beebe, whose latest book "Edge of the Jungle", is having a large sale has a delightful vein of playfulness which is shown in his recent review of "The Cruise of the Kawa", a screaming burlesque on South Sea expeditions such as he writes of seriously, and in his story of the time when, as an aviator, he bombed a farmhouse full of German soldiers though aiming at a troop train, and upon his return he did not trouble to correct the French soldiers who complimented him on his fine shot.
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