

University to Lose Five Linemen and One Back From First String Players and Nine Substitutes--Only Two Regulars to Leave Yale.

The University eleven will suffer heavily this year by the graduation of players. Six regulars, including Captain Kane, and nine substitutes, from a squad of 41, are playing football for the last time at the University. Yale on the other hand will lose but two regulars and three substitutes, leaving her team almost intact for next year.

The men who graduate from the University next spring are as follows:

Regulars.--J. F. Brown, guard; John Crocker, end; Mitchell Gratwick, back; R. K. Kane, tackle (captain); C. C. Macomber, end; C. A. Tierney, tackle.

Substitutes.--Donald Angier, back; W. G. Brocker, guard; A. J. Conlon, quarterback; J. G. Cronin, back; F. H. Hovey Jr., back; H. C. Janin, end; F. J. Johnson, quarterback; Benoni Lockwood Jr., tackle; C. F. Peters, guard.

Yale will lose the following players:


Regulars.--N. T. Guernsey, guard; M. P. Aldrich, back (captain).

Substitutes.--Justin Sturm, end; J. G. Speiden, back; D. J. Dutton, end.
