

Yearling Soccer Eleven Completely Outclasses Yale Cubs--Pringle Makes Three Goals

In the final contest of the season the Freshman soccer team decisively white-washed the Yale 1925 eleven on Soldiers Field yesterday afternoon, the final score being 7-0. This victory makes a total of five won and one tied of the six games played this fall.

The Crimson yearlings completely outclassed the visitors, taking countless shots at the Eli net, while the Blue cubs were never in a position to score. Irwin Rosen, the victors' outside right, opened the scoring with a well placed kick on a pass from W. B. Pringle, inside right, almost directly after the opening whistle. Following this were two scores by Pringle before the end of the first period. In the second half Pringle again pierced the Eli defence, while Rosen was responsible for three more points. On the defence Captain F. G. Wale was the strongest performer for the Crimson Yearlings.
