

Second Season Will Be Launched With Meeting in Hemenway--Football Men Urged to Attend

At a meeting Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock in Hemenway Gymnasium, the second season of basketball as a minor sport will be launched under the direction of Coach Edward A. Wachter Jr. Coach Wachter and Captain A. E. McLeish Jr. '23 will outline the work of the season to the candidates. Although football men will be unable to come out for a week or more, the management strongly wishes that they attend this meeting. Practice will start next week, and will include some intensive training for the first game of the season on December 6. Freshmen can start work at the same time, but for them formal practice at which attendance is taken will not start until about a week later.

Second assistant manager candidates will be called out also on Monday, at a meeting in Randolph 41 at 7.15 o'clock. The competition will start then and will continue until about February 22. The time is not as long as it seems, for no work of any kind will be done during Christmas vacation and during the mid-year examinations everything except the bare routine work that is necessary to keep practice going will be suspended. The successful candidate will automatically become manager in his Senior year.

Freshman manager candidates will be called out about December 1. The date for the meeting will be definitely announced in a few days. From the yearling candidates two men will be selected to fill the positions of manager and assistant manager. The manager will receive his numerals at the end of the season.
