

America has welcomed many distinguished persons to her shore during the last few years. Kings and Queens ("you said a mouthful!"), musicians and scientists, statesmen and warriors, have crossed the sea to be entertained lavishly and honored in every conceivable way by cities throughout the country. American hospitals is a whose however, our national enthusiasm is so boundless that our most honored guests frequently return home mentally confused and physically exhausted by the continual round of functions that is proffered them. While celebrated visitors are flattered, no doubt, and gratified by the thunder-showers of attention with which they are received, they are liable to postpone their next visit indefinitely, if, as was the case with Mme. Curie, they are forced after a week to cancel all appointments on account of complete exhaustion, and have their hands shaken so much that they must wear them in slings.

It is only right, then, that members of General Foch's party should have feared that the strenuous schedule of activities he has been following would seriously impair his health. When we hear that he has spent only four nights since his arrival in any other lodging than a Pullman car, we do not blame them for being anxious lest his preliminary activities tire him to the extent of making his attendance at the Conference unwise, if not impossible. We rejoice, therefore, to hear that the General shows few signs of strain, and has gained ten pounds since he landed in this country. This means that he will be able to fulfill the real purpose of his mission to America. But we are no less amazed then relieved at this news. He must indeed be a superman who can put on extra weight while rushing to and fro between Kansas City and Boston on tours that new him at least six college degrees. Many an aspirant for a single diploma fails to gain an ounce, no matter how violently he may specialize in egg-nogs and carbohydrates, just because he runs about in an area bounded by Jarvis Field and the Charles River.
