NEW HAVEN, CONN., November 16.
The Yale squad held the final practice of the year this afternoon in the Bowl. Throughout the workout, which consisted of a long dummy scrimmage, an attitude of confidence and cheerfulness was shown by all the players. The line-up was as follows: l.e., Hulman; l.t., Into; l.g., Cruikshank; c., Landis; r.g., Guernsey; r.t., Quaile; r.e., Sturm; q.b., O'Hearn; l.h.b., Aldirch; r.h.b., Mallory; f.b., Jordan. With the exception of Quaile, who was substituting for Diller, this is the line-up which will probably start against the University on Saturday.
At the conclusion of the practice, the scrubs cheered the first squad, while Coach Jones' men replied by cheering the scrubs who then disbanded for the season.
Tomorrow afternoon at 1.50 the team, substitutes, coaches and trainers will leave for Boston where they will be put up at the Belmont Country Club during their stay.
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