

The howl which is arising from disappointed Sophomores and Freshmen over the allotment of Yale game tickets can be compared only to the howl which is arising from equally disappointed graduates. This expression of wrath is not without cause--but at present it is extremely out of place.

Granted that the H. A. A. is open to censure--granted that rank injustice has been done, the fact remains that the tickets can not be realloted for Saturday's game. The injustice, if it is such, is irreparable. As for preventing its recurrence, once Yale has been disposed of, there will be time enough to air grievances and agitate for reform.

In the meantime--there are only three more days before the game. there is a commendable spirit of optimism about the outcome on Saturday. But, with Yale for the first time in many years a decided favorite, it will take more than optimism to win the game. Crabbing over tickets certainly will not help the team in its fight.

There is a need as never before for united support. Let those who feel that they have been badly treated forget it until after Saturday.

A mass meeting has been called for this evening. Those whose wrath is more than they can contain may relieve their congested emotions by cheering their heads off for the team.


We hope there will be heard tonight, from Senior to Freshman, such a volume of cheers that even the often assailed walls of the Union will reverberate.
